1. Why?-Alopecia
Right now, I think this is the only record from this year that would make an even more massive list know as the “FAVORITE 100 of the ‘00s.” (Note use of word “FAVORITE.”) I f’en heart the balls off this record.
2. The Mountain Goats-Heretic Pride
Am I the only person in the world of people who post their opinion in Blog or Facebook or Friendster form who think this record is astoundingly good?
3. The Mae Shi-HLLLYH
I don’t know too much about these guys except that this record has about 2 or 3 of my favorite songs of the year. (There’s that word “favorite” again. It’s getting to be a habit like my SMTWTFS vitamin container.)
4. Los Campesinos!-Hold On Now, Youngster…
It seems like 90s indie rock is poking its head into more and more things. And as a musical child of that era, I applaud the young kids for picking up their ears and taking notice. I think my friend Ali would say these guys are “FUN.”
5. High Places-High Places
These guys have a style similar to the guy at #8 Andy Dixon. I guess I like this style of music. I wish someone would come up with a –ism or –rock for it. That would help me in a couple spots.
6. School of Seven Bells-Alpinisms
Kind of gorgeous sounding.
7. Throw Me The Statue-Moonbeams
Again in the 90s indie theme, it’s TMTS. I think it’s the vocals for Los Camp! that I like a little more, but this record was so easy to get into for me. Just great pop songs.
8. Andy Dixon-The Mice of Mt. Career
Anyone have a response to #5? Thanks for nothing. I probably listened to his song “Animal” as much as any other song this year. (And I did! Thanks, LastFM!)
Anyone have a response to #5? Thanks for nothing. I probably listened to his song “Animal” as much as any other song this year. (And I did! Thanks, LastFM!)
9. The Dodos-Visiter
I saw that Meric Long kid a while ago and liked him enough to pay $5 for his cdep. (I know! 5 bucks! I should get a wing at the Guggenheim.) This album improves upon that little 5 song EP greatly.
10. Constantines-Kensington Heights
Might have the best voice in indie rock. Well, Canadian indie rock. (Shit. Sorry. Might have my FAVORITE voice in Canadian indie rock. Shit. Sorry. FAVORITE MALE voice. Sorry, Feist.)
11. Frightened Rabbit-The Midnight Organ
I think bands have secret weapons. Is it the gruff Scottish accent? Maybe at first listen, but mostly for me, it’s the odd rhythms FR uses. Everything’s just a bit off-kilter from a normal pop song beat. It’s refreshing.
12. Mount Eerie-Lost Wisdom
This is my favorite thing Elverum’s done. Or at least neck and neck with Glow Pt 2.
This is my favorite thing Elverum’s done. Or at least neck and neck with Glow Pt 2.
13. Times New Viking-Rip It Off
These guys make me feel young. Is noisy lo-fi the aural fountain of youth? I’ll ask my sliding metabolism.
14. Fleet Foxes-Fleet Foxes
It’s the goo-fest of the year for a reason. It holds up very well. Perfect blend of MMJ and Band of Horses.
15. Marnie Stern- This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That
I only dock her points because of the ridiculous album title. Psych! I like it too! Boy, my wife would hate this record...
16. Portishead-Third
My wife would hate this too. I think this album is one big FU at every turn. Just Geoff Barrow just doing whatever the hell he wants. Like “Deep Water.” What the hell is that song doing on a Portishead record?
My wife would hate this too. I think this album is one big FU at every turn. Just Geoff Barrow just doing whatever the hell he wants. Like “Deep Water.” What the hell is that song doing on a Portishead record?
17. Wilderness-(k)no(w)here
The Tar award for the band that keeps making the same album every year except it’s always better, er, more enjoyable. I always like their records. And since they’ve only gotten better, er, more enjoyable, it makes sense to get more and more excited about the next one.
18. She Keeps Bees-Nests
My Cat Power fix (even though the cover album was enjoyable.) And SKB sort of separates herself from Ms. Marshall by sounding like she could kick my ass. (I could absolutely take down Cat Power.)
19. Emiliana Torrini-Me and Armini
She’s got this mischievous elfish voice thing going. Is that an Icelandic thing? It works whatever it is.
20. Sigur Ros-Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust
Speaking of Iceland, my appreciation of this record mostly stems from how adventurous these cats are. I like that. It makes me want to check out the next thing they do.
21. M83-Saturdays=Youth3 solid records from this guy.
22. Beyond the Wizard’s Sleeve-Ark 1
Thank you, blogosphere, for this one…
23. These New Puritans-Beat Pyramid
Of all the post-punk GO4 rip-offs, I’m not sure these guys aren’t my favorite. And I swear that’s a compliment.
24. No Age-Nouns
They do some really interesting things as a 2 piece. Since they’re in LA I want to see them play sometime, but I’m afraid I’ll be 10-15 years older than everyone else attending.
25. Benoit Pioulard-Temper
2 records in a row from this guy with just brilliant DIY orchestration.
26. Rafter-Sex, Death, Cassette
This is like a lo-fi LCD Soundsystem. Very crafty and catchy dance pop that you could never dance to. Perfect for indie rockers.
27. Deerhunter-Microcastle/Weird Era Continued
That’s a heavy dose of quality quantity. Nothing ever grabs me by the short hairs from this band, but everything they do seems to work in some way or another.
28. Envelopes-Here Comes the Wind
Harking back to the 90s indie theme of 2008, Envelopes certainly fit in. And like Los Camp!, they’re very crafty and smart with their pop songs. None of the songs are as enjoyable as “Sister in Love” for me, but this album is more consistent. (For me.)
29. Subtle-ExitingARM
I’m buying more and more into what the cLOUDDEAD family is selling (see favorite record of the year choice.) They’re as adventurous as Why? musically. I think I just prefer Why?’s lyrics/voice. And his songs are a bit more welcoming. Still, prog on, brothers.
30. She & Him-Volume One
It’s hard to embrace the actor-turned-singer genre. So the fact that I listed it at all emphasizes how hard it is to not like this record.
31. Karl Blau-Nature’s Got Away
This guy’s last couple records have really gotten me hooked. I think “Mockingbird Diet” might be one of my favorite songs of the year.
32. The Ruby Suns-Sea Lion
I’m all over the map with this record. Right now it’s placed here. Yesterday maybe in the 40s. Tomorrow maybe in the 20s. It’s worth the investment however.
33. Poni Hoax-Images of Sigrid
Like Baby Dayliner with a real backing band produced by Bryan Ferry.
34. Wye Oak-If Children
I’m probably the only person who enjoys this record more than fellow Baltimore band Beach House’s much more critically lauded Devotion. 2 songs on this record, “Family Glue” and “Archaic Smile”, are devastatingly good.
35. The Big Sleep-Sleep Forever
RAWK. It’s simple, but very effective RAWK.
36. Atlas Sound-Let the Blind Lead Those Who Can See But Cannot Feel
In some ways, I’ve liked this album more than the Deerhunter stuff. Maybe if there were two Atlas Sound records, the list would be a little different. Work harder in ’09, boys!
37. Grouper-Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill
Buried under all the noise and drone are some very quiet, pretty songs sung by a very quiet, pretty voice.
38. Bonnie Prince Billy-Lie Down in the Light
I’ll take him happy, sad, indifferent, lip-syncing Kanye West songs. Whatever you got.
39. {{{Sunset}}}-Glowing City
He puts songs together brilliantly.
40. Deerhoof-Offend Maggie
I might have to look more into old Deerhoof. They might have slipped by me for the past few years.
41. Koushik-Out My Window
Poor man’s Caribou, which is a better thing to be than, say, a poor man’s Bon Jovi.
42. James Blackshaw-Litany of Echoes
This album is beautiful enough to fall asleep to. That's a bigger deal than you might think.
43. The Middle East-The Recordings of the Middle East
I ripped this off from this one blogger’s top ten list. I can hear why she likes it so much. I like it more and more as I listen to it. Maybe another week and it creeps up? No, must finish list…
44. Tobacco-Fucked Up Friends
I just really dig the Black Moth Super Rainbow sound. And it morphs perfectly into hip-hop.
I just really dig the Black Moth Super Rainbow sound. And it morphs perfectly into hip-hop.
45. El Perro Del Mar-From the Valley to the Stars
It’s kind of hypnotic how she uses her voice over these throwback-style tracks.
46. Horse Feathers-House With No Home
Gentle, pretty home spun folk.
47. Gentlemen Jesse and his Men-Gentlemen Jesse and his Men
Generally, I don’t like power pop. This Jesse guy I like. (As well as his men.)
48. Vampire Weekend-Vampire Weekend
It’s pretty impressive to have an album get this slathered and slobbered and not resent it a bit. But it’s still a fun, interesting record, which survives the hype.
It’s pretty impressive to have an album get this slathered and slobbered and not resent it a bit. But it’s still a fun, interesting record, which survives the hype.
49. Electric President-Sleep Well
This record is so much better than the band name. Which is one of the worst band names around. Up there with Radiohead.
50. TV on the Radio-Dear Science
I still like these guys. I like this record. But honestly I’d listen to the Young Liars EP before anything that’s come since. They still have my attention and it’s a good record compared to most. Just expecting a little more.
I still like these guys. I like this record. But honestly I’d listen to the Young Liars EP before anything that’s come since. They still have my attention and it’s a good record compared to most. Just expecting a little more.
In the spirit of sharing, I've posted one song from each record in downloadable form. Click the links:
Best of '08 Sampler #1-10
Best of '08 Sampler #11-20
Best of '08 Sampler #21-30
Best of '08 Sampler #31-40
Best of '08 Sampler #41-50