I am not one apt to travel. I am instead one apt to settle in. So going time zone upon time zone upon time zone from home is not natural to me. And despite having a very lovely time, it was obviously not natural to my physical body as well. My body let me know that. And then after my body stopped kicking me in the body, the jet lag rolled up its sleeves and got in its shots.
But I think I'm through it. So onto Willie.
As I did with "The Secret" (see below), I took one of G.A. Studdert Kennedy's World War I poems, "Today Thou Shalt Be With Me", and crafted a song around it. I like this one, but it wasn't easy to pull together. As easy as the melody and arrangement came, the recording process was as difficult. Largely due to the culprit pictured above: the Beast. Because of it's aged electronics and makeshift construction, it's temperamental. I'll leave it at that. I did cheat in this exercise by using the title of Kennedy's poem "Today Thou Shalt Be With Me" as a sort of chorus and also in the coda. Although, since I came up with this exercise, I consider the rules to be fairly malleable to my creative whims. I might start working in Bill Callahan lyrics in the future. Whatever sounds good.
(And whatever works as a segue to "The Up and To the Right" section as I'm tipping my cap to Smog, whose influence is very evident in the sound of The FMTana. At least to me it is. Click on the pic for some tunes.)
And here's the Woodbine Willie tune I've been blah-blahing on about:
Download file here:
The FMTana-"Today Thou Shalt Be With Me"
1 comment:
It's about time! Sounds good. My favorite so far.
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